For families and friends who face the sad situation of their kith-kin being deceased in India or foreign land, our repatriation ISAPL provides the much-needed reassurance and service required. At ISAPL we undertake specialist Funeral services on behalf of the individuals, hospitals and health institutions, insurance companies, travel agents and other organizations. We provide services in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore, UAE Ireland, Norway, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Brazil etc.
Cremation or Burial needs a high degree of empathy and cultural rituals. Such services for deceased requires legally aligned handling and regular connects with the family. ISAPL have been cremating / burying on behalf of the family, as per the desires and wishes.
We have helped family to shift the remains to another graveyard, even after 10s years of burial. The exhumation process has whole lot of legality and efforts to coordinate many many things. Cross border transfers involving the South East Asia require even greater levels of planning and patient care. We have successfully repatriated patients or Human Remains covering 18 countries. We are considered economical both by the family and insurance companies.
We leverage our global offices and the regional Funeral Directors to give appropriate family service. We have business setup with international Funeral Directors at Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, UAE, UK and Australia.
In few cases, we have arranged for the ashes to be dispensed locally. Many Embassies, Foreign missions, insurance companies, expats, and agencies are using our services.